When should I compete?

When should I compete?

When should I compete?

“Hey, coach, I’m really good during practice, but I struggle with a performance at tournaments. Why is that?”


Well, what’s happening is there are other factors involved in tournaments that you don’t necessarily get to experience during practice. A couple of those things. One, you’re going to get adrenaline dumps. What’s new for a lot of people? One of the most shocking things is the intensity level of jiu-jitsu at the competition level. People are used to coming into practice half-awake, maybe having a little something to eat before, but not everybody’s used to coming into practice being hungry, having to go 110%, and then getting that crash after the first minute. Oftentimes, people are in great physical shape, but they struggle with cardio just a few minutes into their competition match and they just can’t comprehend it.


Some of the things that you can do are do more competition. So getting that experience, there’s no substitute for it. There’s no substitute for mat time, for training time, for dealing with the physiological stress that you’re constantly putting your body through. What’s new for a lot of people, and unless you do it and you deal with that trauma over and over and over again, there’s no way to acclimate yourself to it, because the more and more that you experience that, the more you prepare yourself for it. The other thing is going to be mental preparation. Like I said, in-between matches, our old coach used to constantly talk about isolating yourself, getting in the zone, and that’s the thing. If you’re not mentally checked into what’s going on and you’re not mentally ready for those new stressors, you’re going to struggle.


This is one of the things we try to explain to people, and the other thing that we try to explain is jiu-jitsu like nothing else. You get out what you put in. So, half measures during practice will show themselves as quarter measures in a competition. If you don’t feel you’re prepared to compete and if you’ve got something in your brain that says, “Hey, maybe I haven’t been going to jiu-jitsu as much as I should,” then you shouldn’t compete. It’s a whole ‘other level. There’s no get-lucky. You’re going to see if what you’ve been doing on the mat is really real. I’m not saying your jiu-jitsu is not real and what you’re putting in doesn’t matter, but it’s a different level. So, if you want to compete, let’s go. Let’s compete. We’re ready. We’re there for it. If you’re not sure, I’ll try the competition out. Maybe it’s for you, maybe it’s not, but it’s a different level of intensity. It is not for everyone, and that is okay, all right?


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We recently competed at at AGF and can’t wait to share the pictures and video results, check out our Youtube channel for recent video and our FB page to stay up to date.


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Combining confidence-raising fitness and life-changing self-defense, our Mansfield Teen Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Program keeps your teen's wellness and happiness in mind. It's time to get your teenager active, making new friends and bettering themselves.


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Our Mansfield Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes are no joke! If you're ready to ramp up your fitness like never before, learn real-world self-defense skills and make new friends while you learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, this is the program for you!


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